Tournament Details
Date: Mar 1, 2nd 2025
Pool: Carrol ISD Aquatics Center
Address: 1501 W. Southlake Blvd, Southlake, Texas, 76092
USAWP Level: Bronze Membership Required!
NL TEAMS: 16u Men
Registration Deadline: Feb 10th 2025
(1) Team + Hotel : $275
All Breakfast, Friday & Sat Dinner INCLUDED in your team entry fee. Sat Lunch is the only meal NOT included.
​Staying with the team is not mandatory, but highly encouraged to promote team cohesion during trips.
Game Schedule
Competition Rosters
1. Ishaan Reddy *
2. Aaron Chung
3. Charlie Landsbaum
4. Declan Slattery
5. Fisher Sadlowski
6. Jack Marshburn
7. Kira Bushuev
8. Cyrus Hughes
9. David Botelho
10. Caylan BAH
11. Isaiah BAH
12. Shanterro BAH
13. Jayden BAH
Sergey Bushuev
John Marshburn
Lazlo Borbely
Any Name in BOLD are PAID & Ready to Go!
Names in Italic Black have RSVP'd, but need to Pay.
Any Names in Red are still pending confirmation*
(We will travel with a Maximum of 13 Athletes per Team)
REMINDER: You need to have a USAWP Membership to participate!
A Flight is NOT Included in this cost. Team Transportation ONLY covers a Team Van while at the tournament. Plan on arriving into DFW Airport Friday night. We will have a Van to pick athletes up in Dallas. If you need a ride, please send a message in the Group Chat or coordinate with other parents directly. More Info to come.
Hotel / Airbnb
Team Housing WILL be provided for this tournament
Marriott Dallas/Fort Worth Westlake
​1301 Solana Blvd Building 3, Westlake, TX 76262
$219/Night w/Breakfast
Available until Feb 14th!
There ARE Cheaper rates online.
This has simply been booked to guarantee there are rooms available. We suggest booking without the link first, and using this price if youre looking last second
Meals / Dining
Friday Dinner:
Sat Breakfast:
ALL Breakfast & Dinner meals listed are INCLUDED in our team entry fee. Lunch is the only meal NOT included, as the team will not always be together due to scheduling conflicts. (Parents can Venmo @nlwpc to join our dinner order if interested in eating with the team)
Sun Breakfast:
Sun Lunch:
​Sat Lunch:
Sat Dinner:
Frequently Asked Q & A 's
What Transportation is Included?
A team van for transport throughout the trip is included. Flights to Texas are NOT included.
What time do we need to arrive to the pool?
Always arrive 1 Hour before game time!
What do we need to wear?
Athletes should wear their Team Speedo & Black Team Shirt on Day 1 for Competition!
Do I need to bring my USAWP ID?
NO! As long as your USAWP Account has a picture uploaded, you do not need to bring any form of identification
Is Food provided?
Yes, Entry includes payment for ALL Meals! Bring a Refillable Water Bottle so you can stay hydrated! There is time between games to grab something to eat! Any additional snacks are on your own!
What do Athletes need to bring?
Athletes should have their Team Suit, Black T Shirt, Goggles, Towel, Sunscreen, Refillable Water Bottle, and any snacks they'd like to have between games! Feel free to bring any other Team Gear for other days of Tournament Play!
I don't have a Ride, but still want to go. How can we still participate?
NO PROBLEM! Send a message in the Team Group Chat and other parents are happy to help coordinate rides/carpools!